Veekes & Company has concluded 11 mandates worth $105 million till date, and has 4 ongoing mandates of $ 695 million for 2024-25.
Veekes & Company has just been awarded the mandate to swap debt of $ 4 million of Namdhari Fresh, one of South India’s bigger FMCG retail chains
Veekes & Company is now available across 50 cities in India, from Rajkot to Guwahati and from Jammu to Trivandrum
Veekes & Company has just been awarded the mandate to swap debt and trade finance of $ 650 million of TCI Sanmar SAE, a group entity of the publicly listed $ 1 billion dollar Chemplast Sanmar Industries
Veekes & Company concluded an end to end international transaction to generate and finance a $ 100 million business based out of A&ME